Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Panama Canal

The building of the Panama Canal was one of the most controversial works that has ever occurred in history. Its constructing was a work of enormous proportions and hard work. This made it the work that it was, being that many did not want it and its construction was immensely difficult. however, it was built, with perseverance and endurance.
The Panama Canal is a ship canal that allowed ships to travel between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. This route, previously, had taken several days to make this type of trip. This canal allowed ships to travel in a faster route and a less dangerous route to travel between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. This canal also allowed for the route from South America across the ocean to be much shorter. Because of this trading became simpler, and travel became swifter.
The building of the Panama Canal was not only controversial, but the work that it required was extremely strenuous. This canal was incredibly long and deep, therefore, it took tough workers and true leadership. The most well known builder of the Panama Canal was President Theodore Roosevelt . Roosevelt helped lead the building of the Panama Canal by taking a swift role of leadership by pulling the pieces together and making things work out in this architectural work.
Along with the building of the Panama Canal , there were also health and death issues that came along with the construction. At this point in history, hygiene is still a large issue. Disease can spread quite quickly when men and women are packed in tight together, such as in a building of the Canal. Among the entire time while building the Panama Canal, there were 27,500 deaths that occurred in construction. Diseases, such as malaria, spread quickly through the men who were building this masterpiece. Many also died from this malaria, which added to the death toll. However, there must always be sacrifice when we desire reward.
Finally, this canal was built to simplify and make more useful, the traveling of ships and the safety and speed of trade. This goal was accomplished and at a high level as Theodore Roosevelt took complete charge and made it so that this building would not fail.. This is the type of leadership that needs to be taken in our own world today. The leadership that was demonstrated in the building of the panama Canal was absolutely extraordinary.
Haskin, Frederic Jennings. The Panama Canal. Doubleday. 1914. Harvard University.
Bennett, Ira Elbert. History of the Panama Canal: its building and construction. Historical Publishing Company. 1915. Michigan.


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Still Thinking said...


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