Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Homer vs. Virgil

Homer's Odyssey and Virgil's Aeneaid are two stories much discussed between historians today. these stories are also all over the classrooms of America and most likely will stay there. These two stories are of the adventures of one man in each story who simply dreams of getting home alive.
Virgil's Aeneaid is a story of Aeneas trying to be the first to find the great city of Rome. He was told that the city was to be founded when his men began to eat their plates. One day his men used leaves as their plates and simply ate the entire meal and he then knew that this was the spot where rome was to be founded.
The Odyssey written by Homer is the great story of Odysseus trying to find his way home. His incredible adventures cover everything from a cyclops to a witch to the Greek gods temselves. Odysseus is known for his clever mind and his basic street skills. Odysseus and his men will be remembered for their bravery and their courage to get home at all costs.
There are many differencesand many similarities in these two stories. The first similarity is that both stories are fiction. Another similar fact is that they are both about a great man trying to do good for his people and his country. Some differences are that these two men are from two different parts of the world. Aeneas is Roman while Odysseus is Greek. These two men fought n two diffeent sides of the Trojan War as well.
These two stories are some of the most loved stories of historians simply because of their historical background. Homer and Virgil are argueably the two best poets of Ancient Greece. These two stories are of the finding of Rome and great adventures whichmakes them a must for ancient historians of today.